The developers of the “Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety” (MISA) program (Vicente E. Caballo and Isabel C. Salazar) are providing training for the application of this program internationally, especially in Latin American countries. At the moment, the two books of which the program is composed (see below) are published in Spanish by Piramide Publisher and will soon be published in Portuguese by the Sinopsys Publishing House (Brazil). The English version of the two books of the program is near to be finished. Those psychologists interested in receiving a workshop to learn how to use and apply the MISA program, may contact the FUNVECA Clinical Psychology Center at the e-mail address: clí
The MISA program books
Caballo, V. E., Salazar, I. C., Garrido, L., Irurtia, M. J., & Hofmann, S. H. (2023). Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program: Therapist’s Guide. VECA Foundation (available from Amazon).
Caballo, V. E., Salazar, I. C., & Garrido, L. (2023). Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program: Patient’s Workbook. VECA Foundation (available from Amazon).
Article for psychologists where the MISA program is briefly explained (in English)
See the article (Vol, 27, n. 1, 2019)
Upcoming workshops
Workshops on the IMAS program to be held in Latin America starting in 2023 will be posted here. At the moment, the countries where the IMAS program will be conducted are as follows:
Country: Brazil
Date: May 5 (Module I) / May 6 (Module II) 2023
Hours: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. both days (14 hours total)
Place: Porto Alegre, CEFI, Rua Carlos Trein Filho, 34.
Contact: Phone: 51 3346-1525 / E-mail:
Country: Mexico
Date: October 23 (Module I) / October 24 (Module II) 2023
Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days (14 hours total)
Place: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City.
Contact: Phone: 81 2354 6844 / E-mail: