This section will be dedicated to pseudo-therapies (or alternative therapies), encompassed within the broad field of pseudo-sciences , including news, government actions in different countries and scientific findings for and against them. The recently published book edited by professors Vicente E. Caballo and Isabel C. Salazar (2019), Naïve. The deception of alternative therapies (Madrid: Siglo XXI) will be taken as reference. In this book, 10 pseudo-therapies are widely explained and analyzed: 1) homeopathy, 2) reiki, 3) Bach flowers, 4) acupuncture, 5) family constellations, 6) neurolinguistic programming, 7) dianetics, 8) rebirthing, 9 ) bioneuroemotion, and 10) past life therapy. In addition, a chapter on placebo is included and in each chapter more scientific psychological alternatives and with proven efficacy are shown.
The book, written in plain language (at least that was the intention of the authors), is aimed at any person without the need for specialized knowledge. However, psychologists and psychiatrists and students of Psychology and Medicine can obtain a realistic view of how (supposedly) a whole series of pseudo-therapies work and some serious options (psychological interventions) that are proposed against the deception of alternative therapies.
Finally, to note that we are planning to include more pseudo-therapies in future editions of the book, something that will not be very difficult considering the huge amount of them, as can be seen in a table included in the previous book and taken from the Association to Protect the Sick from Pseudo-scientific Therapies (APETP).