Becoming a member of the Ibero-American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health issues (APICSA) entails a series of advantages that we summarize below. APICSA members:

  • Are communicated with professionals interested in Clinical and Health Psychology from at least 23 Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, but also English speaking countries.
  • Receive every four months the journal Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual in PDF for free
  • Can access all issues of Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual published on the journal’s website. All published numbers will be progressively incorporated until the first number published in 1993.
  • Benefit from much lower prices in the Congresses organized by the association, as well as in other scientific activities endorsed by APICSA.
  • Request collaboration for their own research and / or collaborate in studies raised by other members.
  • Be aware of both scientific and teaching activities in which APICSA has a sponsorship role.

The annual cost of APICSA membership is 39 euros, including the subscription to Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual in PDF format. If people want to receive the printed journal, the annual cost would rise to 50 euros for students and 55 euros for professionals (including postal delivery to each country).

To subscribe to APICSA, do it through the journal’s website: