There are many people who believe that with the passage of time things will change or many times for not having information they do not know what to do to solve their problems. What they do not anticipate is that these issues increase the negative impact of problems in their lives and may experience feelings of helplessness and “not knowing what else to do.” That is why it is very important to seek help, this will prevent problems from becoming chronic and end up becoming true disorders or diseases.
The person who has some degree of psychological distress or discomfort or has a problematic situation that he has not been able to solve on his own trying different methods should seek psychological help. The psychologist will help him/her to understand what is happening and to produce personal changes that can modify the course of current adverse situations or how to deal with them (if these conditions are unalterable).
To contact our professionals at the FUNVECA Clinical Psychology Center, simply request an appointment by phone or by any other means (e-mail ou filling out the form included in the website).