APICSA stands for Ibero-American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health issues, an international association primarily aimed at Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, that is, Latin American countries, Spain and Portugal, as well as Spanish and Portuguese-speaking people from all over the world (e.g., people from United States, Philippines, etc.).
The Ibero-American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health issues (APICSA) is an association whose objective is to bring psychologists and other Latin American professionals closer to study or work in the areas of clinical and health psychology from a scientific perspective, mainly behavioral or cognitive behavioral.
The exchange of information, experiences, research, publications, etc. among all the people interested is one of the fundamental objectives of APICSA. In these days, when information and the exchange of ideas is so important, an association is needed that can serve the interests of Latin American psychologists.
The Association has mainly scientific and promotional purposes of clinical and health psychology from a scientific perspective. Internet is an important communication vehicle of APICSA; the new technologies can achieve an exchange of information between all members much more quickly and safely.
The Association has national representatives in many of the Latin American countries and holds its congresses approximately every two years in any of these countries. APICSA members enjoy special registration prices. Likewise, they receive the journal Behavioral Psychology / Psicologia Conductual free of charge.