This page includes some freely available articles and chapters in PDF so that those interested can download and read them quietly when they consider it appropriate.


Caballo, V. E., Salazar, I. C., & Stefan G. Hofmann (2019). A new Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety: the MISA program. Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 27(1), 149-172.
PDF download: 09.Caballo_27-1EnOA


Caballo, V. E., Salazar, I. C., Arias, V., Hofmann, S. G., Curtiss, J., and CISO-A Research Team (2019). Psychometric properties of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale in a large cross-cultural Spanish and Portuguese speaking sample. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 41(2), 122-130.
PDF download: Caballo et al. RBP 2019 41&2


Open access chapters on Crisis Intervention

Abueg, F. R. & Young, B. H. (2008). Cognitive behavioral therapy in disaster: psychological first aid, relaxation, coping skills training and direct therapeutic exposure
PDF download: Abueg_CBT for Trauma

Calhoun, L. G. & Tedeschi, R. G. (2008). Posttraumatic growth in cognitive-behavioral clinical interventions
PDF download: Calhoun_Posttraumatic growth